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How to use the calendar 📆

HSE Plan

Petter Viksund avatar
Skrevet av Petter Viksund
Updated over a week ago


As you have probably noticed, the Events feature allows you to create and manage your own events. This is a fantastic way to communicate with your employees, whether they work in an office and use Outlook calendar or if your employees are younger and not reliant on email. Anyone can easily add events directly to their personal calendar, whether it's in Outlook or on their phone.

The calendar functionality can be seen as a combination of the traditional email calendar for scheduling meetings and a Facebook event. Invite your employees, and let them choose whether they will attend or not. Create an agenda, a summary, or assign tasks directly within the event. You can also chat directly with participants during the event.

The calendar can be used for everything from daily operations and planning booked events to systematizing HSE work. The idea behind Runwell's calendar is to enable you to document your work. Some examples could be:

🦺 HSE:

Create a separate calendar for everything involving HSE. The calendar will then function as an HSE Plan where you have documented all HSE meetings, and all HSE work you have carried out throughout the year. In this way, you work systematically with HSE.

🎤 Events/Catering:

Create a separate calendar for events and/or catering. Invite the employees who will be working at the event, assign tasks to the employees, and save external documentation such as an ambulatory liquor license that you have received for your event. This way you have all the information about your event gathered in one place.

💃 Staff parties:

You can create a separate calendar for staff parties where you publish events and invite the employees.

🗃 How to set up calendar categories?

First, we would recommend that you go into Settings and create the categories you want. This is done by pressing:

Main menu ➡️ Settings ➡️ Location ➡️ Select Location ➡️ Select calendar in the horizontal menu ➡️ Add calendar

🚀 How to create your event?

Click on the Tasks & events module, select Calendar in the horizontal menu at the top. Select the date for the event, and press Add event in the top right corner. Then fill in information about your event.

👥 How to invite employees?

Once you have created an event, click on it to see the details. Here, you get an overview of who is coming, currently it's only you. Click on yourself under Attending and invite employees. Note that after inviting employees, you can click on them and place them under Attending or assign them as a Host, allowing them to edit as well.

✍️ How to edit and/or create a summary for your event?

Select the event you want to change and press Actions in the horizontal menu. Then you can upload documentation, write reports and assigning tasks to the participants.

🦺 Why does the calendar also appear on the HSE Plan in the HSE module?

It does so because you are obliged to prepare an annual HSE report. This is done in the usual way by creating events in the Tasks & events module. In the HSE module you cannot edit, but only view.

On the HSE Plan in the HSE module, we have collected everything that belongs to HSE for documentation purposes. If the Labor Inspection Authority comes to inspect, all information is collected there.

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