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Beverage Authority control
Beverage Authority control
Petter Viksund avatar
Skrevet av Petter Viksund
Updated over a week ago

Runwell helps you to comply with the requirements of the Alcohol Act and the internal control regulations. Here are some tips and tricks that can assist users in ensuring they meet all the requirements:

⚠️ Risk assessment:

Map out risks and opportunities: It is important to assess the risks by identifying and evaluating potential risks related to the Alcohol Act and the internal control regulations. The assessment should include evaluating the risk of serving alcohol to minors, over-serving alcohol, lack of training and control of employees, and other potential risks. Refer to the article on risk assessment to learn how to create a risk assessment in Runwell, or watch the video below:

✍️ Procedures and instructions:

Creating procedures and instructions to ensure compliance with the Alcohol Act and the internal control regulations is essential. These should be documented and regularly followed up on. This includes:

  • Procedures for reporting and handling deviations - learn how to report deviations in Runwell here.

  • Procedures for training and keeping employees updated on regulations and internal procedures - Runwell offers relevant courses free of charge. Read how to activate them here.

  • Avoid serving alcohol to minors.

    Include the following procedures in the task description:

    • Check identification for anyone who appears to be younger than 25 years old.

    • Verify that the person purchasing spirits is 20 years old or older.

    • Verify that the identification is valid.

    • If in doubt, ask control questions (birthdate, zodiac sign, etc.) and consult with a colleague.

    • Use regular shifts or cleaning rounds to assess what is happening on the premises.

    • Implement an age restriction for entry to the restaurant when the kitchen closes at 10 PM.

    • Provide training to waiters and receptionists in assessing identification, such as through the Health Directorate's e-learning course for employees in the serving industry (responsible hospitality).

  • Avoid serving visibly intoxicated individuals:

    Include the following procedures in the task description:

    • Provide training to waiters and bartenders in assessing identification, such as through the Health Directorate's e-learning course for employees in the serving industry (Ansvarlig vertskapskurs).

    • Train serving staff to assess guests' level of intoxication, including through the Health Directorate's e-learning course for employees in the serving industry.

    • If uncertain about a guest's level of intoxication, initiate a conversation to gather more information.

    • Consult with a colleague if in doubt.

    • Share information about risk behavior with other staff members so they can also be vigilant.

    • Limit the number of units or the amount of alcohol in drink packages, wine menus, etc.

    • Limit the selection of stronger drinks.

    • Offer an alcohol-free alternative if uncertain whether a guest may become visibly intoxicated. Ensure guests have easy access to free water.

    • Always serve water alongside wine.

    • Provide conflict management training to all staff members who interact with guests.

    • Establish procedures for conflict management, such as when refusing service.

    • Inform employees about the establishment's legal obligations when rejecting or removing guests.

    • Request assistance from responsible friends accompanying the guest.

    • In cases of conflict or potential conflict, call upon supervisors, security personnel, or more experienced staff members.

    • Increase staffing levels during larger events in the city/community, peak seasons, etc.

    • Do not serve individuals who are sitting at the same table as someone who is visibly intoxicated. The individual must leave the premises.

    • Take responsibility for individuals who are visibly intoxicated and must leave the premises. If individuals cannot take care of themselves, contact the police or an ambulance.

💂‍♀️ Perform checks and monitoring:

It is important to control and monitor compliance with procedures and instructions, and ensure that any deviations are handled correctly. This may include regular checks of age verification and other requirements in the Alcohol Act and the internal control regulations. It is important that the controls are documented, and any deviations are reported and followed up on. You can do this by ensuring that everyone has completed the courses in Runwell, and that all assigned tasks have been completed in the task module.

🎉 Evaluate and Improve:

Regular evaluation of the internal control system is crucial to ensure it functions properly and meets all requirements of the Alcohol Act and the internal control regulations. Identified areas for improvement should be implemented and regularly followed up on. Use Runwell's calendar module to document this work. We recommend planning an annual meeting where you invite relevant individuals to review the internal control, including alcohol procedures, risk assessment, and ensuring all employees have completed relevant courses.

💼 Documentation:

All documentation related to the internal control system and requirements of the Alcohol Act and the internal control regulations should be accessible and up to date. You can find a summary of all documents and your entire internal control by clicking on the Inspection button.

Regarding the required documents mandated by the Alcohol Act and the internal control regulations, businesses selling or serving alcohol must have:

  • Documented internal control system - This is Runwell.

  • Written documentation confirming that all employees have received training on the Alcohol Act, the internal control regulations, and the establishment's own procedures and instructions - This is provided through a dedicated alcohol course in Runwell, which includes an overview of employees who have completed it.

  • Liquor License and Serving License - Enter this information in "Key Information"

  • Designated Liquor Manager and Deputy - Enter this information in "Key personnel"

  • Overview of legislation - Enter this information in "Laws and regulations" in the "HSE" module. NOTE! Runwell already includes national laws and regulations, but local regulations such as Alcohol Policy Guidelines and Substance Abuse Action Plans may vary from municipality to municipality, so you need to enter this information into your alcohol procedure yourself. See how to do it in the video below:

📣 Local regulations:

Alcohol Policy Guidelines vary from municipality to municipality. It is important that you have read the Alcohol Policy Guidelines applicable to your municipality. In some municipalities, for example, it is required that everyone serving alcohol must complete a municipal serving course, while others may only require the Liquor Manager and Deputy to do so. The municipal serving course is an external course. Course certificates can be uploaded for each individual employee by opening an upload folder in the alcohol procedure (See video above). Once the upload folder is activated, follow the instructions in this article to upload the certificate.

The Liquor Manager and Deputy must also complete the external course "Knowledge Test on the Alcohol Act for Serving." Once you have received the course certificate, you can upload it in Runwell using the same process described in the previous section.

Do you have any questions? Don't hesitate to contact us via the chat!

Good luck, you've got this! 💥

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